Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Digital Storytelling with Kindergarten

As a final activity for our author study of Mo Williams (and before our "field trip" to see him speak at the Carnegie Library this Saturday), the kindergarteners had to write another adventure for Knuffle Bunny. They used the given paper frame to tell a story about what might happen to their Knuffle Bunny.

After telling the story with a picture, we scanned their illustration and students recorded their story using Voice Thread. It was amazing to see that they have such a sense of language and use the same strategies they teach in writing in first grade like having a beginning/middle/end, using dialog and incorporating story elements like "Once upon a time."

Afternoon Kindergarten is just about done:

Morning Kindergarten-Mrs. Heisey's class:

Morning Kindergarten-Miss Stefurak's class: (work in progress)

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