How-To Site:
--Music can change the meaning of a clip
Story mapping instead of a storyboard--Stay away from linear storylines
1. Engage the story
2. Problem
3. Tension
4. Resolution
5. End-Moral
Be aware of conscious objects of desire and unconscious objects of desire
"Mountains"--Ups and downs of a story (24 example) that create tension in the story
*See Ken Adams map for lesson starter..."because of that..."
Media Development Process
media planning-story map (use power point) (1 page/16 font=2 min of speech)
pre-production-media list/gather raw media components
post production
Personal Museum--look around to determine what makes a good story
*A good first step is to use something personal, then make the leap to academic topics
Suggestions for assessment:
Students should tell about something they still think about
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Jason Ohler--PETEC Pre-Conference Event
Literacy: comsuming and producing media forms. Students should bea ble to write whatever they read. They should create what they want to consume/thoughtful and creative media.
Literacy is changing. Web 3.0=Read/Write/Paint/Think Rather than coding the web as a lot of text statements, the web will be tagged and a search will bring a "media report." It makes all of this information intelligable for machines.
9 Digital Literacy Action Guidelins
1. Shift from text to media
2. Value writing more than ever
3. Adopt art as 4th R---Art as a literacy
4. Follow DAOW (Digital Art Oral Written) of literacy
5. Attitude is the aptitude
6. Practice private and social literacy
7. Develop literacy about digital tools--learn how media persuades
8. Fluency, not just literacy--Understands what tools can do and can use/lead with that (doesn't have to be the best techie)
9. Harness both report and story...embrace the story! Students want a story
*Story first...Tech second*
Assessment must include the writing/research/reflection as well as the final product.
Story core includes Problem(tension), Transformation (growth), Solution (resolution)--Focus on how the character is different at the end of the story
8 Levels of growth/change
1. Physical--realizing how to do something
2. Inner strength---courage, potential
3. Emotional-maturity
4. Moral
5. Psycological
6. Social--responsibility
7. Intellectual-problem solving
8. Spiritual--awakening
Report-story=problem, visual, audio, collaborative effort, animation
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